PTAs and PTOs

Whether this school year is in-person, virtual, a hybrid, or in flux: We got you.

It’s not too late to gain some control over the unprecedented uncertainty that is 2020 school year planning. Membership Toolkit was designed to facilitate fast, clear, online communication between groups of parents, schools, and educators. So whether you signed up for the school board, to coach a team, or to help with online learning, we can help you stop spinning your wheels and start making schools work for all the kids who need them.

Membership Toolkit Intro for Parent Groups

Tips and features for PTAs/PTOs

Everything in one location

Running a PTA/PTO efficiently requires excellent tools that work together seamlessly.  That’s what you get with a Membership Toolkit subscription. A website, database, communication center, volunteer system, self-building directory, online store, donation center and report generator — all in a single integrated system! 

Want to know if you have enough volunteers for the carnival? How much money have you collected from your donation campaign?  Simply log in and find all of your answers in one place.

Save valuable time and energy, increase family engagement, and handle a crisis like a pro because you have great tools and great support.  We’ve put together an Idea Book for you to see the many different ways your organization can benefit from using Membership Toolkit.  Download a copy of our Idea Book here.

Whether School is In-Person, Remote, or a Hybrid, Parent Organizations Need Membership Toolkit

Recruit & manage volunteers

Recruit new volunteers day and night by offering an online “Volunteer Interest” form. Parents  tell you when and where they are interested in serving, which increases the likelihood that they will respond positively when you ask them to serve again. 

When a volunteer signs up to serve at a particular event, the system can be set to send them automated reminders before the event and an automated “thank you” when their service time is through. 

Your directory builds itself!

Creating a school directory can be a huge headache. With Membership Toolkit it’s a breeze, because the directory builds itself! 

Parents enter their own information which means fewer data entry errors— and far less typing for you! Collect any custom information you need too. Parents control which parts of their family’s information stays private.

Publish your directory online with a few clicks, or use the templates we provide to create a PDF which you can then print or email. 

Some groups receive family contact information directly from the school. Just request a “data upload” from our customer support team.


Communicate like a pro

Newsletters and emails are great ways to keep families informed and connected.  We provide templates for a customized look.  If you have a current email list for your families, copy/paste it into the system, and drive families to your website in no time at all. 

Need to send targeted messages? Your database is sortable by grade level, teacher’s classroom, etc. See who is reading what you sent. 

Enjoy this tool with the Premium and Concierge Plans or an add on to the Essentials Plan.


Sell anything 24-7

Most families today want the option to buy online. Online sales mean fewer lines for parents, and more freedom for you. It’s easy and secure, not just for them but for you, too. Sales are recorded, inventories are updated, and receipts are sent automatically. Through Membership Toolkit, you minimize the risk of missing money. A lot can go wrong between a student’s backpack and your bank. Some families still want or need to pay by cash/check, and the system can accommodate this, too.

Some families still want or need to pay by cash/check, and the system can accommodate this too. 

Easy "year end" transitions

Board positions are always in flux, which can lead to a frustrating lack of continuity especially when someone gets sick or quits unexpectedly. With Membership Toolkit, all your tools are in one place—so “the notebook” is not nearly as critical to your survival. 

Before each new school year, with just a few clicks, promote students in your system to the next grade, duplicate online forms for next year’s use— plus store meeting minutes, files, and photos.

Integrated accounting

Our easy-to-use accounting system makes life better for treasurers of all experience levels. Set up your budgets and start tracking income and expenses. Know at a glance who owes you money, and where the money is going. 

The accounting system works seamlessly with your online store and forms, which means one less thing to manage. 

Concerned about financial liability? Reports can be accessed by select admins and taking online payments make it difficult for embezzlement (or serious errors) to go unnoticed. 

Truly great support when you need it!

Being a leader is a powerful but vulnerable thing. There’s nothing worse than needing help, and not getting it.

We’ve been there so we take our customer service seriously!  

All of our reps have meaningful experience, and are eager to help you succeed.

Personal fundraising

Donors give more when they give directly to people they know— which is what makes our “personal” fundraising add-on feature so powerful. 

Host your own fun-run, read-a-thon, hold grade level competitions, etc. Each student automatically receives a personal fundraising page when they sign-up, and progress bars make it clear how close you are to your goal.

Best of all, no more paying 40-60% to a management group. You keep 95% of the funds you bring in and all of the fundraising record keeping resides right in your Membership Toolkit account!

Our customers say it best

Membership Toolkit brought us into the 21st Century!

We are very grateful for Membership Toolkit as it has brought our PTA into the 21st Century! Having all of our members’ information at our fingertips has been such a helpful tool and a time saver. We love having all our sales done on the online forms. It makes it so much easier for us to print reports for distributing our hot lunch, yearbooks, spirit wear, etc. Our families love having the option to pay online! We can’t imagine our PTA without Membership Toolkit!!

Nerge PTA - Christy H.

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